Working on intellij-elm
Keith Lazuka, the maintainer of intellij-elm, joins me to pair to build a new feature from scratch. We use test-driven development to build up a quick fix to create a function from inferred usage off of an unresolved reference error.
Test && Commit || Revert - Snapshot Testing with Corey Haines
Corey Haines and I will try out a proof-of-concept library I have for running snapshot tests in Elm, calling out to Jest under the hood. We'll try doing some test && commit || revert to see how far we can push the envelope for testing practices in Elm!
Testing Msgs with architecture-test
Martin Janiczek will show us how to use his architecture-test package to test Msgs in our Elm apps.
Contributing to intellij-elm
Aaron has thought a lot about Elm ASTs and refactoring. I've been spending some time contributing to intellij-elm. We'll pair and I'll give Aaron an intro to how to add a feature in intellij-elm, and we'll try to build something useful!
Building elm-markdown plugins to transform and validate your AST
Philipp Krüger has contributed a lot of code and ideas around the API design that allow you to configure dillonkearns/elm-markdown. We'll pair to build some plugins for doing things like validating your markdown headings, transforming heading formatting, and extracting a table of contents from parsed markdown blocks.
Extending Elm's guarantees with elm-review
Jeroen just did a major new release of elm-review. We'll use some rules to improve some Elm open source projects and make life easier for contributors.
SPA state patterns
Ryan is the author of elm-spa, a framework for taking care of your Elm single-page app boilerplate: He walks us through some patterns he's learned, applying them to the elm-pages-starter repo: And we get a lightning round demo, building the same thing we built by hand using elm-spa!
Civic Hacking with elm-pages - Farmers' Market Delivery From Scratch
In this episode, we're working with our local Farmers' Market to keep their businesses going despite people limiting their social contact with COVID-19. We'll work on an MVP using elm-pages for a simple delivery service!
Parsing Github-Flavored Markdown Tables!
One of Elm's most powerful features is it's awesome parser library. Some frequent elm-markdown contributors and I will implement a Github-Flavored Markdown table parser from scratch!
Phantom Builder Pattern
The builder pattern lets you conveniently configure data in a pipeline. In this session, Jeroen will show us a powerful technique to use phantom types to allow us to ensure constraints in that pipeline. We'll apply this pattern to make some improvements to the elm-pages API.