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Configure TypeScript to Be Safer
In [TypeScript's Blind Spots], I attempt to catalog the ways that ways you can introduce unsoundness into TypeScript's type system, such as the any type. This...
Opaque Types Let You Think Locally
Elm's Opaque Types are a powerful tool for narrowing the surface area where you check a constraint. TypeScript's Branded Types give similar functionality but...
TypeScript Without Transpilation
Using TypeScript for your JavaScript has a lot of benefits. For Elm devs, the transpilation step is a burden. But you can get all the benefits and skip the...
TypeScript Types Can Do Some Cool Things That Elm Can't
Yes, it's important to be aware of [TypeScript's Blind Spots]. Elm has a sound type system, whereas TypeScript does not have a sound type system (by design and...
TypeScript's Blind Spots
It's hard to know when to trust TypeScript for Elm developers who are used to a sound type system. It helps to know where its blind spots are.