Published February 01, 2021
Updated June 28, 2021

TypeScript Without Transpilation

The first rule of Elm is that you want to write everything in Elm. But sometimes we need to reach out to JavaScript, whether we're using ports, Custom Elements, or serverless functions. Sometimes JavaScript is just the right tool for the job.

If you're going to use JavaScript, then you may as well get the improved safety and tooling that TypeScript provides. Except that it adds an extra transpilation step. Working in Elm, that often feels like an unnecessary burden. As you may have guessed already, there is a way to get the best of both worlds!

Running TypeScript on your .js files#

I've been using this approach in all my projects lately and really enjoying the simplicity. Here's how it works:

  • Add a tsconfig.json to your project as usual
  • Enable the checkJs and allowJs options in your tsconfig.json

You'll now get type checking in your editor for the .js files you're working on! Alternatively, you can add a // @ts-check comment to the top of your .js files, but I prefer setting it for the whole project in my tsconfig.json.

You can also set the noEmit option in your tsconfig.json to make sure there is no transpilation output.

Be sure to run tsc in your builds to make sure that new code doesn't make it to production if there is a TypeScript compiler error. This is one of the reasons that transpiling may feel safer, because you won't even get JavaScript output when there are errors (unless you overide noEmitOnError in your tsconfig 😳). I feel comfortable with that tradeoff, but it's very important to make sure your builds fail if there is a compiler error!

Sidenote: I recommend setting the strict option in your tsconfig to true to avoid pitfalls like implicit any. There are still pitfalls where you may have type errors even when TypeScript says your program compiles, but at least it gets you a lot closer to a sound type system. In a future post, I'll discuss when you can trust TypeScript and where it has blindspots.

Here's a sample tsconfig.json with this setup:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "checkJs": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    // make the compiler as strict as possible
    "strict": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
    "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,
    // get intellisense for the available platform APIs
    "lib": ["dom", "es2020"],

Adding TypeScript types to your .js files with JSDoc comments#

Once you've got the TypeScript compiler wired in for your project, you'll need to add type annotations and define TypeScript types so that you can work with TypeScript and use strict, explicit type checks.

You can include type information in JSDoc comments.

 * @param {Language} language
 * @param {string} name
 * @type {import("./user")} user
 * @returns {string}
function greet(language, name, user) {
  /** @type {string} */
  let greeting;
  greeting = `${helloInLanguage(language)} ${name}`;
  const username = user.username;
  if (username) {
    greeting += ` (@${user.username})!`;
  return greeting;

/** @typedef {"english" | "spanish"} Language */

Let's break down what's happening here.

  • /** ... */ defines a JSDoc comment
  • @param defines a parameter (name is a parameter name for the greet function). You write one @param line for each parameter.
  • The values between the {}'s (like {string}) can be any valid TypeScript type, including unions and other advanced types, or types defined in other files
  • We can't import TypeScript types directly in code as we can in .ts files, but we can use import within the {}s in JSDoc comments to refer to types in other files or NPM packages
  • The @type JSDoc comment lets us declare the type of the greeting variable
  • We're using @typedef to define a union type called Language, then specifying that the language parameter has that type.

In VS Code, you can start typing /** and it will code complete for all the parameter names in the function's parameter list. Also, since this is JSDoc, you can include documentation here and it will show up in your editor tooltips.

You can find a full list of supported JSDoc TypeScript directives, and take a look at the official TypeScript guide on using TypeScript in .js.

What are the downsides?#

Most TypeScript functionality is available using JSDoc comments. And, importantly, you can enforce TypeScript rules with the exact same strictness that a .ts file would allow.

The main limitation is that you don't have access to some TypeScript-specific syntax.

However, non-null assertions and as (casts) are two unsafe operators that, as the TypeScript docs say, let you tell the compiler "trust me, I know what I'm doing." As Elm developers, we want to avoid these as much as possible. So while there are some syntax features that aren't available in JSDoc-typed .js files, you can get most of what you need to take advantage of the added safety of TypeScript. And you can use the @type directive to perform type casts using JSDoc syntax as well.

TypeScript in Elm#

I'm writing this series of posts about using TypeScript with Elm in preparation for the upcoming launch of my redesigned elm-ts-interop tool. If you missed it, I wrote a post introducing some of the concepts in my post Types Without Borders Isn't Enough. I'll be launching elm-ts-interop on March 1st, with a free set of core features, and some paid pro features to help with code generation.

Got any TypeScript for Elm users questions? Send them my way and I'll do my best to answer them!

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